(How to Prepare For...Journal Club, PowerPoint Case Presentation, Slide Quiz, Etc.
Didactic Activity Overview (Training Day / Thursday Conference / TMS ) Overview Updated 4/18/24 Journal / OD Lecture / Training Day Topics Based on Month (Effective 03/01/22) JANUARY – glaucoma FEBRUARY - vitreous/retina/choroid MARCH – optic nerve / neuro APRIL – anterior segment MAY – glaucoma JUNE – vitreous/retina/choroid JULY- glaucoma AUGUST – vitreous/retina/choroid SEPTEMBER – optic nerve / neuro OCTOBER – anterior segment NOVEMBER – systemic health: DM, HTN, HIV/AIDS/STDS, thyroid, blood disorders, OSA, Systemic Med Side Effects, Sarcoid, Auto Immune, Histo/Toxo, aging, smoking, pregnancy, etc. DECEMBER – emergency/trauma
Journal Selection Reminders: Choose your article from the last 12 months. Choose topics you are interested in and/or that are clinically relevant to care of VA patients. Choose clinical trials/studies/case series/meta-analysis, etc. They ARE NOT TO BE review articles of a topic.
*If you cannot find an article on your own, you may choose one from Current Journal Options Link Here*
Choose From: AJO, JAMA Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology, Glaucoma, Retina, Cornea, Neuro-ophthalmology, BJO, IOVS, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Optometry and Vision Science, Eye and Contact Lens Science, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. If you want to present something from any other journal, you must get permission/approval from your coordinator.
Submit article PDF to your program coordinator by 12p FRIDAY before your scheduled day of conference
Access to Full Text Journals VA Library (accessible while at VA) Nova Library (for residents and Nova students)
Powerpoint Case Presentation Format 1. Slides to include (from a combination of what AA Optometry uses for Case Presentations and How BPEI does theirs):
Case history – pt demographics, chief complaint, ocular / medical history, medications, allergies, family hx, social hx, etc.
Ocular Findings: va, prelims, ant seg findings, iop, post seg findings
Any other relevant findings – labs, radiology, etc., *all patient identifiable info removed*
Differential Diagnosis List – primary / leading, others
2-4 DDX Slides with Brief info on: Signs/Epidemiology/Pathophysiology/Treatment, Representative Photo / Ancillary Test
Overview of diagnosis: epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, management
Patient’s current status
Conclusion – clinical pearls, take away points. etc.
References – student: 4-5, resident 5-10, including textbooks (wills, eyewiki, statpearls, atlases, etc). MUST include latest peer reviewed journal articles supporting differentials /diagnosis / treatment. Put superscript on slide to indicate that reference. Images used from internet should be referenced on the slide with the web address
3 Multiple Choice Questions. With 4-5 answers on Pearls from your presentation. You will then present these rhetorically. Answer on own to emphasize pearls/highlights/take home messages from ppt.
**Google drive, Yahoo storage, etc. do not work at the VA. Regardless of how you create presentations (google slides, keynote, etc.), save all files as powerpoints. Transfer journal or case presentations via email only. Remember to crop out Patient Identifiable information on all photos, OCTs, visual fields, etc.
*Upload your journal club ppt and case ppts. Link Here* (accessible while at VA)